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postpartum doula nurtures and supports the new family during this very special time–the birth of a new baby.  In the comfort and security of the client’s own home, the doula helps ease the transition the new mother, as well as the rest of the family, may be experiencing through individualized care, encouragement, and practical information.


We assist the new family in the ways that are most important to them, allowing them to rest and care for their baby or providing an “extra set of hands” when necessary.  Most importantly, our postpartum services are geared toward each client’s individual needs and are as flexible as they need to be to provide each family with precisely what they need to make a smooth transition to parenthood.


Research has shown that direct support in the home plays a role in decreasing postpartum depression and increasing the commitment to breastfeeding.


Photos Courtesy  of Victoria Brown Photography

Our family-centered, in-home postpartum care includes:
  • In-home prenatal visits, including home evaluation (optional)

  • Guidance and education

  • Emotional support during the transition to parenthood

  • Bathing, diapering and cord care

  • Breastfeeding assistance and support

  • Light housekeeping and meal preparation

  • Errands and grocery shopping

  • Care of multiples (if applicable)

  • Sibling support and activities


Also available:

  • Prenatal bedrest

  • Overnight care

  • "First night (or day)  home” 



Many parents also appreciate our sibling care at home during the postpartum period, including play dates, help with the adjustment to a  new sibling, and freeing up the new parents to spend one on one time with the other child/ren!

Does insurance ever cover postpartum doula services?

Many consumers have flex-spending accounts, in which a percentage of their wages are placed in a pretax account and can be used for non-covered medical expenses. Doula care may be considered an appropriate expense for reimbursement from a pre-tax account. 


Our fees are more reasonable and affordable than you may think, and our postpartum services are flexible!   


Postpartum Breastfeeding Counseling

All doulas serving Birth Partners’ clients are trained to help new mothers breastfeed, however when more specific help is needed, or if difficulties arise, Breastfeeding Counseling is a welcome addition to our services.

• Breastfeeding evaluation in client’s own home
• Individualized breastfeeding support, education, and resources
• Guidance in avoiding or overcoming common breastfeeding challenges
• Referrals when appropriate​


Birth Partners:
Your guide through the
postpartum journey

Not just doulas ... Birth Partners




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